Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas from the Yeagers!

Matt had yesterday off and he had a few errands to do, one thing was to get the oil changed in the Saturn. I had convinced him also get his haircut at the place in Walmart while he was waiting. His hair grows out so fast I figured that even if they did do something crazy, it'd grow out quickly. He called me at work to tell me that they were actively giving someone a mullet and he was refusing to go there. **sigh** so much for trying to save money there.


Allen said...

Maybe he should go to Tubby's Tim and the other guys from KPC went thee. Plus I can't imagine it being too expensive if Tim went. I never went there because I never get haircuts.

Allen said...

Oh yeah, Tubby's is the place two doors down from the old KPC offices.