Sunday, June 29, 2008

Just finished reading:

This is one of the sweetest books I've read. You should check it out.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Been busy this week:

Monday: Went to Roaring River with Lauren to check it out and run through the logistics of the retreat...and it's going to work!

Tuesday: Went to Siloam to scrapbook with Tiffany, I was two vacations behind and am ALMOST caught up.

Today: Spent the day with my mom and grandma at the hosiptal in Fayetteville while my grandpa was having surgery. It went well, he was in a room, awake and getting ready for dinner when we left about 6:30.

Tomorrow: I'm staying home and resting and will probably float in the pool. And I need to mow the yard again. And we might try taking Abby and Remy to the lake again, we tried on Sunday but it was packed and there was a small yappy dog running loose, which is one of my pet peeves and a possible snack for Abby and Remy.

We've had a big problem lately with Abby and Remy barking at other dogs, cats and people while we are on a walk, it's getting realy really bad and embarassing. Remy thinks he's protecting us because he won't do it when we're out of the room, demonstrated well at the vet's office, when she takes him away from me into another room, she's says he's a perfect gentleman and doesn't have to restrain him even when using a needle for a sample or anything. So, tonight, I filled some small soda bottles with gravel from the flower beds and shook the bottles at the dogs if they did something bad, we had a pretty good walk but it was getting late and we didn't see that many people. I hope this works, some times, they just want to stand there and bark at a dog across the street and together they weigh more than I do, it's getting hard to keep them under control if I'm walking them by myself. Abby is TERRIFIED of the soda bottle, not sure about Remy since we didn't get to use it much. I hope this works, I was getting really tired of them doing this this morning and theatened to start leaving them at home if they didn't stop. So, if any one else has any more ideas on how to break them from barking at others on our walks, let me know.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

We visited St. Andrew's State Park this afternoon. I'm sure this is a great place to visit when it's not 100 degrees outside, we were thankful for the A/C in the car.


We are visiting here with my friend Becky and her husband Adam. We went on an airboat ride through some of the local marshes. We saw one small alligator.

Vacation Photos:

The condo:

Matt on the Balcony at the condo.

Relaxing at the beach. Matt got a sunburn on his legs, I used a lot of Bull Frog sunscreen and didn't get burned even being out for about 4 hours.

The view from our balcony.
We went to Gulf World yesterday. The sea lions and dolphins were really cute!

Up close and personal with a flamingo. I'm not sure what I did to make it mad but I started to get concerned about it biting me.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


We left Sat. morning to visit Matt's grandparents in Mobile AL and meet up with my friend in Panama City. We made it all the way to Jackson MS and Matt realized that his driver's license expired in January. Terrific. So, I'm driving the rest of the vacation.