Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Healing Place Church Live the Dream

A group of us went to Baton Rouge to the Live the Dream Conference. April Simons, Chris Cane and Delynn Rizzo spoke. We had a great week.

The girls at Stacy's mom's house were we had dinner on Wednesday evening. It was an great meal!

Me and Sarah at the mall.

Me and Sabrina

Sherry Melara--she was here in August and spoke at the women's brunch and did a fantastic job

In the Friends lounge with our host, Chenelle.

Me and Sabrina again.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Amazing weekends...

So, I've been really really busy the past few weekends, and I'm really really exhausted now! But they have been absolutely amazing expirences! How blessed I am to have a group of lovely women around me!
Here's some photos of the Keypoint Women's Imagine Retreat.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Yesterday was WILD!

So, yesterday morning K and I went to Hobby Lobby to do some research on somethings for the retreat. We were in the bead aisle and an old man walks up to us and asks what a choker necklace was. K explains it to him. He asked if he could put his hands around K's neck! I'm thinking...."old dude is going to strangle her!" My gosh, I almost died, right there in Hobby Lobby. She handled it soooo much better than I would have. She was very nice and let him measure her neck, while I was trying not to fall apart next to her. I am thankful that God gave her so much grace with the situation!

Last night, Matt and I had to go to Walmart and since I had been gone all day and Abby had been such a good dog last week when we went to Petco and stopped at the AT&T store to see S., we decided to let her go too. When we parked, I got out and she jumped out with me, no leash. She took off around a few cars and up to the front of the store. There was another girl, probably about our age, that was walking in, and she called her name and Abby ran right to her, thank goodness! Abby is grounded from car rides for a while.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Hair Color

Red is so much for FUN!!! Love the curls too, thanks Jen! You are the best!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New Toy...

Matt's new yoke for the flight sim games. He has the pedals too that are under the desk. This is very serious business!

Abby has intense concentration when she is playing fetch.

Remy's sweet little face over the back of the sofa.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I'm running out of catchy titles for these. But here's some random thoughts.

Kafka was terrified of our water dispenser. The first day she drank from it, it bubbled and she ran away. We had to keep another bowl of water out for her. It was pretty cute.

Matt fixed my Scooba! Seriously, this was super important around here, I refuse to mop now, it's a waste of time and energy. He had to cut off the end of the charger and re-solder the wires back to the adapter. And it saved us $40 because we don't have order a new charger now. I used it twice today on the kitchen.

Here's some pictures I took today. First, I was cleaning this morning and piled all the dog beds and Remy decided 4 was better. It's like the "The Princess and the Pea" but it would be "The Prince and the Pea"

Secondly, Jason installed some pendant lighting over our kitchen sink and bar. I love these lights, they are fabulous. I can see to do the dishes now.

We are looking at building a covered patio on the back of our house. My dad came down today with someone else to price it out for us. We have a concrete patio now, so we are thinking of just building the roof over it for some more shade...and an outdoor ceiling fan, which I'm totally excited about! Matt always excited about anything blocking the day ball.