Kafka was terrified of our water dispenser. The first day she drank from it, it bubbled and she ran away. We had to keep another bowl of water out for her. It was pretty cute.
Matt fixed my Scooba! Seriously, this was super important around here, I refuse to mop now, it's a waste of time and energy. He had to cut off the end of the charger and re-solder the wires back to the adapter. And it saved us $40 because we don't have order a new charger now. I used it twice today on the kitchen.
Here's some pictures I took today. First, I was cleaning this morning and piled all the dog beds and Remy decided 4 was better. It's like the "The Princess and the Pea" but it would be "The Prince and the Pea"
Secondly, Jason installed some pendant lighting over our kitchen sink and bar. I love these lights, they are fabulous. I can see to do the dishes now.
We are looking at building a covered patio on the back of our house. My dad came down today with someone else to price it out for us. We have a concrete patio now, so we are thinking of just building the roof over it for some more shade...and an outdoor ceiling fan, which I'm totally excited about! Matt always excited about anything blocking the day ball.
You may want to get Adam to get you a price on it.
Just a thought.
Cursed day ballllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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