Sunday, November 25, 2007


My first Thanksgiving dinner. Josh and Sabrina came over for dinner. We cooked the turkey in the Crock Pot. It turned out well, thanks for the idea Sarah!We played some Wii and Catan. Here's some random pictures of the dogs:

If Remy were a comic book hero, he would be "The Nose"
This was at my parents shop in Noel last weekend. Dad put VCT in main room and Remy and Abby slide all over. Remy runs from rug to rug to get around but Abby takes her chances on all fours sliding out from under her.
Remy and his bridge to the ottoman. Abby squats like this to chew on her bone.

Abby in the car, half in the back seat, half in the cargo area.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Roomba

For Keisha: We got the Scooba first and Remy didn't like it. Neither of them has attacked it or anything, they just see them as an inconvience.

Remy checking out the Scooba when we first got it.

The Roomba chasing Abby while she's just wanting to chew on her bone.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Matt had to go to Denver last week on a business trip. Wish I could have gone too, but it's not close to where B lives. I caught everyone asleep on the sofa when I got up this morning. This is how Abby always tries to lay there with us. Remy's up there too, just down by Matt's feet. I really don't like them up there but they are good, and sometimes it's the only way we get any rest.

My Roomba just got tangled up in some cords under the bed. Matt had to rescue him.

While we're talking about the Roomba...we also have the Scooba, which is the one that mops. I highly recommend both but like the Scooba better since I hate to mop and it does such a better job than me anyway. Apparently, you can also hack the Roomba and drive it with the Wii remote or your laptop. Matt is just waiting for the day for one of them to quit working so he can make a Battlebot.

And life would be so much more difficult with out the Tivo. We have two, they are on wireless and can "talk" to each other as well as our computers. SOOOOOO much better than the Cox DVR. Just get Matt started talking about the Tivo!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Cat

I came home for lunch today and Abby went outside to explore the backyard. It was only a few minutes until I heard this terrible bark/howl noise. Rem and I went to check it out and she was chasing a cat around the backyard. Remy got it cornered and had it pinned against the fence. I kept trying to distract the dogs long enough for the cat to get head start, so I'm yelling at them and flapping my arms and after the cat got away, I noticed the neighbors were working on their covered patio and saw the whole thing from their roof. Nothing like making a fool out of yourself in the backyard in heels.

Throughout the entire ordeal, I'm thinking two things, first, if one of them gets it in their mouth, how will I get it away from them? I've felt the wrath of those jaws, when I got involved in their fight over who got to lick the ice cream bowl last spring, I don't recommend it. And second, what am I going to do with the body? I told Matt this would happen when he taught them to chase cats.

Good thing that's a 6' fence.

Here's Abby and Remy making sure it's gone.

The only injury I found was a small scratch over Remy's right eye.

And I though it would be boring week with nothing to write about.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Fall Leaves

I can't believe how colorful our little tree in the backyard is this year.

Friday, November 9, 2007

My dream last night.

I had a dream last night that the state of Missouri decided that diplomas from McDonald County High School weren't valid because the level of education was so poor. I had to go back to high my late 20's...even after I had graduated college. So, I guess it was more of a nightmare than a dream.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

"I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight".

Or so Emily says in The Devil Wears Prada. And it nearly proved to be true. It all started last Thursday evening with another migraine, which is why we didn't make it to life group, sorry guys, missed you bunches. Went to the Dr. on Friday because with this one, I was having problems with my language and speech, which is apparently a symptom I didn't know about, but freaky anyway. Sore throat on Friday night, cough on Saturday and Sunday after church I felt really bad. We stopped at the grand opening of TJ Maxx and with all the people and the way I felt, we just left. I didn't even feel like shopping. Missed work Monday and Tuesday from what I guess was the flu. And today it seems like I have some allergy thing. I'm ready to feel normal again. The dogs liked have me home earlier this week. When I sick, they get to lay in bed with me. That's a lot a weim in the bed.