Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Cat

I came home for lunch today and Abby went outside to explore the backyard. It was only a few minutes until I heard this terrible bark/howl noise. Rem and I went to check it out and she was chasing a cat around the backyard. Remy got it cornered and had it pinned against the fence. I kept trying to distract the dogs long enough for the cat to get head start, so I'm yelling at them and flapping my arms and after the cat got away, I noticed the neighbors were working on their covered patio and saw the whole thing from their roof. Nothing like making a fool out of yourself in the backyard in heels.

Throughout the entire ordeal, I'm thinking two things, first, if one of them gets it in their mouth, how will I get it away from them? I've felt the wrath of those jaws, when I got involved in their fight over who got to lick the ice cream bowl last spring, I don't recommend it. And second, what am I going to do with the body? I told Matt this would happen when he taught them to chase cats.

Good thing that's a 6' fence.

Here's Abby and Remy making sure it's gone.

The only injury I found was a small scratch over Remy's right eye.

And I though it would be boring week with nothing to write about.

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