Today was the day I turned in my notice at work. I had originally planned on leaving April 30, but am staying until May 7
th. I can't wait!
What a busy weekend. Friday, Sabrina came over and watched a movie with me. Saturday we went to a few garage sales, stopped at the Boys and Girls Club mini grand
prix race since Tony was driving the JB Hunt car: see photos below, I went to my mom and dads to work on stuff for the Eternal Event and we had dinner at Josh and Sabrina's that night (thanks guys, the chicken was awesome!)

You might recognize this guy! Tony did an awesome job!!

That's Tony in the yellow car!
We mowed the yard Sunday afternoon, Matt was finishing up and I came inside to check on the dogs. I saw some kids in the back yard behind us and they were picking dandelions and pushing them through a hole in the fence into our backyard! Funny, but annoying.
We also had one of those guys stop last night to try and sell us magazines for him to earn money for college. This guy was relentless! Matt was trying to be polite and tell him no, which was getting no where, so stepped up and just said "no thank you" and shut the door. The guy spit on Matt's car! I can't believe it. Yeah, we'll
definitely buy for those people and their guilt tactics next time.
We discovered a few more things that Abby is scared of:
School Buses.
Children's car seats
Big Wheels
and small children that say "boom" as we walk by.
Remy is terrified of man hole covers.