And If you haven't heard or seen it, we got a new-to-us car. We traded in the Blazer and got a 2004 Accord. It's loaded and I love it. It has built in navigation, leather heated seats (after having leather in the Saturn, it's a requirement for me now.) Dual temp control, which Matt wanted and a bunch of other stuff that is run from the touch screen panel.
I took Abby and Remy on a walk this afternoon. I need to wear a sign that say "NO, YOU CANNOT PET THE DOGS." I don't like kids to pet them for a number of reasons, first, kids run up to them and they don't like that, second, kids travel in a herd and I don't like a bunch of kids around us, and finally, we are on a walk for exercise...if I have to stop and let everyone pet them, we aren't accomplishing what we have set out to do.
Another issue with our walks is the high population of cats that roam the neighborhood. I hate cats, they are the most worthless, useless animal and Abby and Remy have that dog instinct to bark and chase them...see post from last Nov when they caught one in the back yard...So, I came up with 2 solutions to the cat problem. First, Cat Punting could be a form of fun entertainment for the half time of local football games, second, if we gather all the cats in one place, and tossed one into the street in front of a speeding car in the neighborhood, so the cat would be like a speedbump, we would be eliminating the cat and slow down the traffic. Two birds with one stone. People really drive fast through our subdivision, that really makes me mad....there are kids that either play out in the street or run through it a lot. I just pray that none of them get hurt.
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