Michael requested some pics of Remy and his "water wings". Here ya go:
These were from Summer 2006, right before we got Abby. Remy loves to play in the water, especially at the river but he's not a graceful swimmer. When we went to Bob and Carol's house on the lake in Grove, they had a dog life jacket, so we put it on Remy since the water was so deep. He hated it. I think my mom has some of him actually in the water, so I'll ask her for those.
Eddie Bauer was having a great sale today. I got 2 sweaters and 2 shirts for the price of one sweater at regular price. Sweet!
I also went to Sam's Furniture because they were supposed to be having a big $2 million liquidation or something. I didn't see anything on sale from when I was there 3 weeks ago. It looks like they marked everything up, to mark it back down to the price they originally had on it. Yeah, big savings there. So, the drive down there and back is 30 mins of my life I won't ever get back.
Tonight we met some of the other couples from our Life Group at Fuddruckers for dinner. When we got there, there was a Ryder moving truck parked right in front of the place, taking several parking spaces, and not completely out of the road, plus a Ford Ranger that was taking up 4 spaces all on it's own. We left both of them notes on their cars, commenting on their parking and watched to see them go out. They were traveling together..imagine that...guess that inconsiderate apple didn't fall far from the tree.
Last night at the gym some lady in a Lincoln car pulled into the parking lot. My car is the only other one there, and there is a lot of space, she parked in two spaces right in front of the gym, the only business that was open at the time and took up several spots since it's easier to park parallel. What is wrong with people? There are a few weekends that I don't like living in NWA: Craft Fair weekend and Bikes Blues and BBQ. Traffic is just way out of hand.