Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Walmart Cake...

I got this in an email from my friend Tiffany. I guess the folks at Centurytel in Little Rock should write down what they want it to say next time.

We had a "going away" party yesterday for a lady at our Little Rock claims office. One of the supervisors called a Wal-Mart and ordered the cake.
He told them to write:
"Best Wishes Suzanne" and underneath that write "We will miss you".

As the picture shows, it didn't quite turn out right. It was too funny not to keep it.

Beautiful. Just Beautiful.


kellyk said...

dinner was SO GOOD!! thanks so much. i don't deal with raw meat when i'm pregnant[barf!] so if i cook it's not chicken or beef. i think kev was thrilled to have some "real food"! thanks again!

Brian and Michelle said...

That is stinkin funny!


Keisha said...

This is cracking me up!!!