I've been really busy this week. This isn't quite what I was planning for my "retirement" but God had other plans for me. With Lauren gettinga new job, her position on KPC staff was open, and I have stepped into it doing Women's ministries. She did such a wonderful job and is a tought act to follow. I'm really excited about everything that's been going on! We have several things coming up and this afternoon, I've been expiriencing a lot of anxiety that I can't pinpoint to a cause. I hate feeling this way--maybe I have restless leg syndrome.
Other news:
Abby and Remy are now spending all their time out of their crate. Even when we aren't home, which, they aren't used to and they still bark, paw and stand at the door to the guest room waiting to get into their crate. I took it down on Tuesday when Matt's mom and uncle were here. They haven't destroyed anything or been bad in the house at all.
Someone created a new profile for me on Facebook. Or one strangely similar--same first and last name (married name) same high school, same town, with one contact in common. It's very creepy and I basically got a big "I told you so" from Matt about the security of online usage, so I really toned down my facebook info. I have a friend of a friend who posted all kinds of things about her and her fiance...addresses, family info, dates of thier wedding and honeymoon and I just couldn't believe it, so, if you post info online, BE SAFE!!
I love IMDB.com. Thinking I saw someone in one show and then thinking I saw them in something else and not being able to prove it, just drives me crazy.